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We believe that life begins at conception. Unfortunately, 1 out of 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage, and 1 out of 160 ends in stillbirth. The life of a precious baby matters, no matter their gestational age. For grieving parents, we know the struggle, and we understand! Your lives will not be the same. Your normal will look different. Grief will be a common companion you take with you wherever you go. They say time heals all wounds, but the amount of time will vary for each individual. We want you to know that you are not alone at any time!

It is our mission to give Anjela’s Box sets to bring comfort and peace to parents who have lost their baby. This is a simple way to let them know that they are not alone. The Anjela’s Box set includes a hat, blanket, small bear, certificate of life for the Angel baby, special necklace or keychain, pen and a book or reflection journal for the Angel parents. The reflection journal is written by couples who also went through the insurmountable pain of pregnancy or infant loss. It is our goal to donate 300 to 500 Anjela's Box sets per year to hospitals and bereaved parents.


We also have an online store so you can purchase accessories, personalized digital portrait/artwork and other customized items. These will be great gifts for those who lost their loved ones. It is a simple way to let them know that you are there for them. You can also order box sets to donate to your church, organization, or community. Any purchases will help us create and donate more Anjela's Boxes. 

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